As a young boy Criminal #723323 showed promise, from the time that he was a young boy #723323 showed a great deal of precociousness. As a child he delighted in playing state sponsored athletic games. Furthermore he demonstrated a cutting intellect through his consistenly high scores on state sponsored aptitude tests. State monitors had their eyes on #723323 from the time that he was merely 993 days old. Senior chairmen of the State Chilhood Monitoring Committee kept consistent tabs on #723323, with hopes that as an adult he may have proven himself worthy of working with government engineers on top-secret project [REDACTED]. Sadly, #723323 did not follow the path that the Central Government had hoped he would. Upon moving into adolescence #723323 began to reject the restrictions placed upon him by the Central Government. Key among his dissentions were his ludicrous ideals that people "should be free to make their own decisions" and that "Central Planning is an unsustaiable model of government in any sizeable nation."
After creating a work of art for a 'friend', and without being explicitly told to, #723323 was sent to Child Rehabilitation Center #55. Whilst there #723323 was subject to the standard rehabilitation procedure of [REDACTED]. #723323 responded well to the treatment and was released from rehab 3 months later. For several years Central Government's computer algorithm determined that #723323 presented no immediate threat to the wellbeing of society in [REDACTED]. As such, he was allowed to live as freely as one may be able to under the careful watch of Central.
Upon graudting from secondary school #148900, Criminal #723323 was given a job assignment working in Data Reproduction Center #146, where he served as an acceptable employee for a period of only one (1) year before being given several citations for lateness and lack of motivation. Iris, the boss of #723323 began reporting to Central that she felt as though it was possible that #723323 was hiding contraband within his home at Residential Block #713. The Central Government took this report very seriously and began to monitor #723323 even more closely than before. After a period of two (2) weeks, Central found that there was indeed contraband within the home of #723323. It waited until #723323 was known to be using the contraband before moving in and administering the apporopriate punishment.