I can't believe it! Those bums in the waste management plants actually had something that was worth my time! Last night, after I got off of work I went down to where they stay and asked them if they had anything to help me escape the hell I'm living in. One of the bums gave me an all-too-knowing smile and simply handed me a small package wrapped in canvas. I asked him how much it was and he simply continued to smile at me. I felt weirded out so I just gave him all the cash in my wallet and got out of there. I waited until I managed to get home before I unwrapped the package, and when I did I couldn't even believe my eyes - It's an old N-450! But this N-450 is special, I powered it on for just a second and in that second I realized that this N-450 gives me access to whatever website I want to go to. I don't have to be confined to the same two apps on my N-600, and for the first time in my life I actually have a viable means of escaping this awful place, even if it is only temporary.
I'm going to wait until tomorrow after work to go ahead and try it out. I don't think that I'm even going to be able to sleep tonight I'm so excited. It's unbelievable that tomorrow I am going to bestow onto myself the same level of freedom as an actually free man. Goodbye for now journal, I'll talk to you soon.